
LED CHINA, founded in 2005, Guangzhou, has grown steadily over 19 years to become a global industry leader. The exhibition attracted buyers from 100+ countries for 13 consecutive years before the pandemic. In 2015, LED CHINA expanded to Shanghai, holding annual events in Shenzhen and Shanghai since 2019. These exhibitions were highly successful, earning industry recognition and attracting buyers from around the world.

LED CHINA Shenzhen has established itself as a prominent global trade event, specializing in LED Displays, Light and Sound, AV integration, Commercial Displays, Laser Projection, Metaverse/VR/AR/MR/XR/3D, Digital Signage, and LED Lighting and Signage. On the other hand, LED CHINA Shanghai showcases LED illumination, lighting solutions, and local LED display companies in East China.


Trust Exhibition

020-38106261 info@ledchina.com www.ledchina.com

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