Why Visit


The World's Preeminent LED Exhibition Series

Join the biggest LED display expo, approach the world's LED manufacturing hub

Founded in 2005, LED CHINA is the initiator of international LED exhibitions. Taking place in Shenzhen, the renowned manufacturing hub for the LED display industry, LED CHINA provides numerous choices for quality factories, and making the chance for visitors to take factory tours right in the city after the exhibition.

Explore LED display and its verticals, Displays + Visual + Audio

In 2025, LED CHINA, themed “Explore LED display and its verticals, Displays + Visual + Audio”, will once again co-located with Pals Asia 2025 (Pro Audio, Lighting & Systems Asia 2025), to offer a comprehensive platform encompassing LEDs, lighting, and audio equipment. LED CHINA showcases the top of the LED and AV industry in the Chinese market, offering visitors an opportunity to explore the cutting-edge of China's industrial base.

Through joint efforts with the TOP associations in China, including the Mini/Micro LED Display Industry Branch of the China Video Industry Association, the China Entertainment Technology Association, and Esport Entertainment Asia, LED CHINA showcases the top of the LED and AV industry in the Chinese market, offers visitors an opportunity to explore the cutting-edge of China's industrial base.

—— 2024 Partial Exhibitors ——

Cutting-edge LED and Audio-visual Solutions for Diverse Application

  • DOOH/Outdoor Advertising

  • 3D/XR Solutions

  • Staging

  • Immersive Environment

  • E-Sports

  • Entertainment

  • Command & Control Rooms

  • Retail Environments

  • Venues & Architecture

  • Conference & Multimedia

  • Broadcasting

  • City View

Convenient Travel with Direct Flights via Hong Kong

Getting to LED CHINA is a breeze with Hong Kong. You can reach us from Shenzhen in just 14 minutes by railway. What's more, Hong Kong's airport offers a large number of direct flights to over 180 regions, making your journey hassle-free and affordable.

Register for Free


Trust Exhibition

020-38106261 info@ledchina.com www.ledchina.com

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